NASW-VI Board Nominations are Open - Deadline is Sept. 13
We invite you to be involved in shaping the future of NASW-VI. NASW-VI is soliciting nominations for open leadership positions. The nomination process is by self-submission.
We encourage you to submit a nomination for yourself if your leadership experience and skills match a vacant position. If you do not want to run, we ask that you reach out to at least one fellow member to encourage them to submit a nomination for one of the open positions.
- Vice President
- Secretary
- St. Croix District Chair
- St. Thomas District Chair
- At-Large Member (2 available)
- Student Representative
Please click here to submit your self-nomination.
Please click here for the job descriptions.
Social workers are on the frontlines and see first-hand the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the
populations we serve. To continue to provide services, many are adapting and revising the way services are
provided turning to telehealth and other technologies.
The USVI Department of Health is providing resources and information to help members navigate COVID19.
Hurricane Recovery Resources